Steve-O and Elisabetta Canalis

Picture c/o The Superficial

I can't get over how weird this couple is. Elisabetta used to date George Freaken Clooney. This is a step down. Well not so much a step, as a fall. Seriously, I have my own issues with George Clooney. I pretty much share the same feelings as the Fug Girls on how he chooses his girlfriends. But still,  it's George Clooney. I know Dancing with the Stars is not the most reputable claim to fame but I feel like Steve-O would be better suited for someone featured on Celebrity Rehab. You can't bounce back from Steve-O.

Elisabetta should have followed Vanessa Hudgens' lead.  After Zac Efron she dated Josh Hutcherson and is now currently dating Austin Butler. This is how you slowly creep your way back up the dating latter.

Actually this Elisabetta and Steve-O pairing reminds me of another career crushing match: