Bits and Bobs

So sometimes I just sit down and start typing a blog post, but if I'm sitting on the bus or that and I have an idea I'll compose a quick text for myself as an aide-memoire. (Oh, get me with the French!) If I can put the whole idea into 140 characters or less, you guessed it, I post it straight into Twitter, but usually it's only one or two words that I can write up in full later on.

This has its drawbacks.
  • Another reason why it's important to leave comments. And that would be?

  • Crazy like a Tasmanian devil. I don't think I know anyone quite that crazy.

  • Waterfall illusion. All the waterfalls I've seen have been real. Probly.

  • Lost luggage targets. Maybe airlines have a secret quota which they have to meet in order to keep their passengers pissed off?

  • Dracula fish. Sharks with frikkin lasers are scary enough, but Dracula Fish? OMG!

  • Elephant's foot umbrella stand. Would an ethical hunter leave a three-legged elephant limping around the jungle or give it a wooden leg? Oh, right. Now I remember.

  • Don't blog about work. Doubly so if you're in IT. What a strange thing to say. My job is the most fascinating zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • We're not using the 'zed' word. Yes, I know where that line comes from, but why use it as the start of a blog post? Damn, I bet it was going to be a great one too!

  • I don't know what it is either. Should I post it first, then click on the link? Yeah, why not? What could possibly go wrong?