Do These People Even Read My Blog?

I've just been interviewed by the Pakistani Spectator. If I'd thought they would actually publish it, I probably would have put some more thought into it and been sensible instead of umm-ing, ah-ing, jingling my keys in my pocket and pretending not to know where Pakistan is. Ho hum.

Dear and respected, I am so glad to inform your that we have published your fine interview. I hope that it benefits you, us and the whole of blogosphere. Would you please be kind enough to mention your interview at your blog for your readers?

We would also like to exchange a link with you in the blogroll please. If you approve, please let us know so that we could include your link in our blogroll.

If you would like to introduce us some bloggers, whom we should interview, then please let us know their emails or blog address.

Please stay in touch, and guide us in our blogging journey. We really need your consistent and continuous guidance and support.

Thanks a lot from the roots of heart.

If you like, follow us on Twitter:

best regards,

Ghazala Khan
The Pakistani Spectator

So yeah. Just give them a shout if you'd like to be interviewed next. If they'll publish me, they must have very low standards highly discerning tastes. Whatever.