Farty's Fuckit List

Tagged for this about a gazillion years ago; in fact, so long ago I forget who tagged me now, sorry whoever you are.

A Fuckit List is the opposite of a Bucket List: a list of things you don't care about doing before you die instead of things you do want to do.

  • Write That Novel. Let's face it, I have trouble maintaining my concentration for more than - oh, look, shiny! Um, yeah. So what chance do I have of stringing together enough coherent thoughts to fill a book? And I don't think this really counts.

  • Scuba Diving off/on/through the Great Barrier Reef. Not that I'm afraid of getting eaten by a Great White Shark or that, it's just that I prefer my fish with tomato sauce, cheese, jalapeno peppers, onions, ground beef, green peppers and garlic dip. Clue: rhymes with banchovies.

  • Catch up on Google Reader. Like that's ever going to happen, sigh. 325 and climbing.

  • Climb the Eiffel Tower/Empire State Building/other tall thing. Tall buildings are overrated and planes go far higher anyway. Well, except Air Force One, obv.

  • Go on the Weakest Link. It's far more fun shouting the answers at the telly and then if you're wrong you only get embarrassed in front of your family, not half the nation.

  • Do that interview for The Pakistani Spectator. No, wait...can I redact that last one?

Your go. If ye can be bothered, like.