Science Lesson

Apparently standards in teaching science in schools is are falling. Also English.

According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, schoolkids nowadays seem to know little or nothing of phlogiston, necromancy, dihydrogen monoxide, the epicyclic theory of geocentrism or even the steady-state universe. Nope, anything they don't understand is explained by the simple expedient of "Intelligent Design". And no wonder, with the state of education the way it is.

Claim: Carelessness causes fire.
Wrong. Fire is a self-sustaining exothermic reaction between a combustible material and an oxidizer, caused by an initial input of heat.

Claim: Invisibility Cloaks can be applied from a distance, so that the person rendered invisible can still "see out".
Remote Cloak
Nonsense. As any Harry Potter fan knows, anyone wearing an invisibility cloak can see perfectly well without any outside help.

Claim: Using a chaotic design, boffins can create chameleon circuits that change their behaviour according to the task at hand.
Chameleon Circuit
Chameleon circuit? Why does that expression ring a bell? Click on image to find out.

And now we're being told that lemmings are being driven to the brink of extinction by the wrong kind of snow.
Pur-lease! Everyone knows what kills lemmings.

I weep for the younger generation, le sigh.