I Receive An Electromail

Venn That Tune

...from some bloke plugging his new book, Venn That Tune, to be published on November 13th. As he puts it, "It’s a book of classic song titles portrayed as Venn diagrams and graphs – what’s not to love?"

Frankly, it looks like a complete ripoff of that genius Salvadore Vincent, whose own excellent series of Venn diagrams illustrating song titles was the inspiration for my own Friday Charts (except that I tend to avoid using Venn diagrams because they're too fecking hard to compose artistically restrictive).

I immediately challenge the imposter, and receive the following cryptic response: "To be honest, Salvadore is a bit overrated and I end up doing most of the work."

How hard can it be? <clicky>

Flying Without Wings

I'm outclassed. Go buy his book. You won't regret it. * thinks - how to illustrate that Walker Brothers hit as a Venn diagram? It's probly in the book *