Autumn Break

Off to the borders for a weekend break. While Mrs F went into town with her sister for some retail therapy, I grabbed my camera and went for a nice refreshing walk to get some of that country air into my lungs and anyone who says that I'm a sad git walking for two fecking miles just to find somewhere in this network-forsaken hell-hole with a strong enough signal to check my site stats on the moby is a liar.


Delightfully isolated rustic hideaway. Right.

Anyway, it was a pleasant change to escape from the perpetual low rumble of city traffic and just take a quiet stroll in the countryside, listening to the wild birds singing to one another, the odd dog barking in the distance and the slow, gentle shush, shush, shush of the wind turbines along the brow of a nearby hill. The rich colours of autumn, the tantalising scent of woodsmoke, blah blah blah here's some pictures. Enjoy.


Wind Farm

Apple Tree

Flocking Birds

Free Range


Tree Stump