A Ward


After only 321 posts and 18 months, I've won an actual blogger award!!! Excited? You bet I am!!!

I'd like to thank God, my mom and pop, my agent, my agent's secretary, my hairdresser, that bloke I met on the bus yesterday, the one with a cat in a cage; I'd like to thank the cat, er, not forgetting my make-up girls Suzie and Amanda, Joe my scriptwriter - [Get on with it. Ed.]

And thanks, of course, to Lola Divine from the US of Japan for sharing the bling around nominating me.

Here's the award (ain't it a beauty?):

And here are the rules attached (Rules? FFS!):

For those that were nominated:
  1. Pick five (5) blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.

  2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.

  3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.

  4. Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award - arteypico.blogspot.com.

Thinks...who deserves this the most? This is hard, but:

  1. BOSSY. Because I ♥ BOSSY. I honestly believe she is the most creative blogger on the intertubes today, and as for contributing to the blogging community, hey, who else do you know who personally visits all of her readers reader to share the love?

  2. John G. Even though he's been crippled by a tree, he's not bitter; just twisted. For someone who spends his days stuck in a wheelchair, he certainly zips around the blogosphere like nobody's business, dropping friendly words of encouragement as he goes. Every fecking blog I visit, he's been there "FIRST!"

  3. Spanish Goth. From Wales. Living in Belgium. The spec. did say "no matter what language", and Goth's language is, erm, interesting. Especially if you mention what a wonderful thing is organised religion.

  4. Guyana Gyal. I love to imagine the sound of she voice when she do tell me of the goings-on in she native country. How she manage dat wit she tongue in she cheek beat de hell outa me.

  5. And finally, GiGGLe and her alter ego, Rat Girl. GiGGLe is soooo talented - and giggly, FFS! - and Rat Girl is so strong and fearless.

Would you believe I totally without thinking picked five bloggers in five different continents? Yes, of course Britain is a continent!

Sorry if your name isn't on the list this time; maybe you can persuade one of the above to nominate you ;-)