Farty's Ecksmas Competition

Mr Farty has been oot and aboot aroond Embra with his rusty trusty camera, taking snaps (do they still call them snaps?) of the auld toon and the new deckarayshuns. After a quick dab with Paintshop ProTM, here are the results.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to identify which picture has been touched up (adding text doesn't count). Whoever spots which item has been cloned will get a virtual pat on the back. Whoever can correctly identify what has been digitally removed from the same picture will win a prize.

Update: Either Paintshop is so good that nobody can see the join and figure out what I painted over, or nobody can be arsed. Well, I've already bought the prize, so I've decided to make it easier for you. After all, it's Ecksmas.

In the event of a tie, complete this sentence in as many words as you like: "I should win the prize because..."

So what's the prize? A superb, hand-knitted Scotch mouse-mat and matching coasters!!!

Ready...steady...one more thing. Competition closes on Ecksmas Eve. The prize will be delivered in time for Ecksmas Day1.


You will meet a good doctor

Xmas in Princes Street, Edinburgh

Embra Sparkles at Ecksmas

Princes Street panorama

Princes Street Ice Rink

Oooohhh shops! This picture coming up...

Old vs New (minus double decker bus)
Did you see it? You do know you can click to enlarge any photo here?

Old and New

Porridge. Yummee!


I can has cheezburger?

How much fir the tree?

Big Wheel

Balmoral Hotel, Embra

100ft Xmas Tree

1 2008, obv.