Bah Humbug

Isn't t'internet just a mine of information? According to Celtic Attic, which I guess is a front for the Oirish Tourist Board, "Although Christmas is a major holiday in Ireland, it is not widely celebrated in Scotchland. Some historians have suggested that the reason Christmas is downplayed in Scotchland is because of the influence of the Presbyterian Church or Kirk, which viewed Christmas as a "Papist", or Catholic event. As a result, Christmas in Scotchland tends to be a somber event." A lump of coal yesterday
Of course, in the real world, nothing could be further from the truth. We Scotch take great delight in exchanging such delightful gifts as a lump of coal, or perhaps a dead ferret, before sitting down to a scrumptious dinner of roast sparrow with a side order of stinging nettles. Yum!

Whatever will they be telling us next? Pope Jewish? Who's gonna believe that?

Some pictures of Embra not celebrating Christmas at all. The Kirk is the building behind the 100-foot Christmas tree.
Embra George St at XmasEmbra Castle at XmasPrinces St Gardens, Embra at XmasPrinces St Embra at Xmas