
There is a Dilbert cartoon strip: A cube-dweller returns to ask, "Anyone seen my cell phone?" Alice replies, "Was it small, metallic and flushable?

You know that choon Für Elise? Yeah, that one. I used to love it. I loved it so much that I went around whistling it - badly - at work. Over and over, day after day.

Until eventually my boss called me over and said, "Farty, will you please stop whistling that fecking choon!"

"But I love it!" I replied in all innocence.

"So did I, until you ruined it for me. Now I can never hear it again without your horrible rendition going through my brain."

This was a bit like me and Help Me Make It Through The Night. Once I'd heard the Billy Connelly version, there was no way I could hear anyone sing it without cracking up. Apparently this is very bad form at a wake.

Anyway, I did as I was told and stopped whistling it.

The Present Day.

One of our neighbours has a new ringtone on his/her phone. Guess what it is? Guess how fecking annoying it is? I can't even tell which neighbour it is, the sound seems to come from a different direction every time I hear it through the window.

Guess that's what's called karma.

btw, my own ringtone is very restrained and not at all annoying. To me.