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What's your comments policy?

BOSSY gets hundreds of comments a day, but never hardly ever appears to reply to any comments directly. Feck, there's always a first time, just when you're trying to make a point. Anyway, she does visit, so that's ok.

BOSSY has a teeny tiny crush (NO! Not in that way! Surely?) for Dooce. Dooce doesn't do comments at all, apparently. Boo!

Andre used to welcome comments, but got spammed to hell (not by me) and had to turn them off. Boo! Not for Andre, but for spammers. Andre has been known to post comments, just not here. Yet.

Michele is a fecking genius. She has made a career out of her comments box. Her posts generally run to just one or two sentences, but the comments go on, and on, and on...she's a very popular girl, considering she always keeps her clothes on. I'll bet she sends someone here within the next few minutes...

I generally reply to all comments and visit the blogs of my commenters; it's only good manners. I've only ever deleted one spam comment. So far.

How about you?