The Female Of The Species

A female acquaintance recently revealed that although she doesn't know much about Star Trek, when her colleagues told her that she looks like a Romulan, she didn't take it as a compliment. I am, of course, the soul of tact and discretion, so I couldn't possibly name names (but take a look at my bogroll and see if you can pick her out).

Any road up, I thought I'd better put her - and you, gentle reader - straight on what alien females (in particular, those from Star Trek) look like. Then you can draw your own conclusions about whether you are being complimented or insulted when comparisons are made.

Sela. Daughter of Tasha.
Urgh! That high neckline doesn't suit her at all.

Technically, Romulans and Vulcans are the same species.
Note to me: get a life.

Jadzia Dax
Looks nice enough on the outside, but carries a symbiont in her tummy.

Pretty damn hot - to a male Horta.

Salt Monster
Salt Monster
Thankfully, this species uses a form of hypnosis to make it appear more attractive to humans. Click on image to see how well this works for you.

Orion Slave Girl
Green skin, red lips - interesting combination. I wonder what her blood type is?

Duras Sisters
Now they ugly!


Yes, yes, I know that the Borg Collective isn't strictly a species, and that Seven of Nine isn't an alien, but man, she's sexy!

Female Of The Species - Space