Tickle Me Tuesday

Doesn't Tickle Me Tuesday come around fast? Anyway, some random stuff from the news caught my eye when I should have been working; see what you think.

Merkan fast-food outlet Dunking Doughnuts has been caught out promoting terrorism by using pictures of would-be suicide bomber [are you sure this is right? Ed] Rachael Ray in their ads. Whoever the feck she is. Personally, I find pictures of Ronald MacFeckingDonald much more offensive. FWIW.

Rachael Ray

Brad Jayakody was stopped by bouncers airport security at everyone's favourite airline terminal because he was carrying a gun. Er, a picture of a gun. On his t-shirt. "So what?", you may ask.


This particular picture of a gun was the arm of a Transformers robot, which, as any fule kno, can suddenly and without warning change its form from an innocuous car to a deadly fighting machine. Holy crap, Batman! This looks like an excuse to post a picture of Transformers star Megan Fox!

Megan Fox

A "lost tribe" has been discovered in the Amazon. Well, not so much a tribe as the "special" lineup of I'm A Sleb, who the producers "forgot" to get out of there. So now you know why The Chuckle Brothers, Mark Lamarr, Pete Waterman, Jade Goody and Tatu have been off our screens for so long.

Lost Tribe

Toot toot!