Merkan-English Dictionary #11

Still trying to combobulate1 my readers on both sides of the Pond, but I tells ya, sometimes it feels like I'm fighting a losing battle.

Sticky tape

What could possibly be simpler than a roll of transparent, sticky tape? In the UK, the most popular brand is Sellotape, but just to confuse Merkans we also have Scotch Tape. Made in Merka, not Scotchland.
Scotch Tape
Ok for wrapping tins, steel boxes and that but not so great for taping up parcels.

Sticky tape is sometimes confused with stickybackedplastic, as seen on Blue Peter, but that's another material altogether.

btw, if you're visiting Australia, and fancy a bit of slap and tickle, whatever you do, don't ask for Durex in the chemist's shop. In Oz, Durex are best known for making sticky tape and it's hella hard unwrapping it from your taradiddle.

Keep those suggestions rolling in!

1 Opposite of discombobulate