Kim Kardashian: Bikini Workout

Kim Kardashian: Bikini

Kim Kardashian is getting her body ready for bikini season 2009. She recently told US Weekly Magazine how she whittled herself down from a size 6 to a size 2. She explained that she did an upbeat warm-up and upper-body cardio using five pound weights and a lower body workout with plenty of squats and lunges. Then she finished her routine with a series of abs work and stretching. She said,

Kim Kardashian: Bikini

“I love my curves and have to work out to maintain them. Actually, keeping my shape takes a lot more work than just doing nothing or being super-skinny. So this was about toning up, getting fit.”

Kim Kardashian: Bikini

Then over the past week she blogged that she is determined to meet her goal to have ripped six pack abs for the summer. She wrote,

Kim Kardashian: Bikini

“I have been going sooo hard in the gym, and I really feel it’s paying off! My tummy is soo toned. Why is it that the top part gets ripped first and the lower part is sooo hard to tone up!? I am determined to have a six pack by summer! In a feminine way, of course.”

Kim Kardashian: Bikini

Kim Kardashian: Bikini

Kim Kardashian: Bikini

Kim Kardashian: Bikini

Kim Kardashian: Bikini

Kim Kardashian: Bikini