Glorious colours

Glorious colours
Originally uploaded by Farty's Photos
I took some photos today at Edinburgh's Botanic Gardens in the snow. See the least worst ones on Flickr.

X Factor Drops Singing From Show

In a move that has shocked absolutely no-one, X Factor producers have announced that contestants will no longer be required to sing on the show. Not even miming like the celebrity guests plugging their new singles.

It is widely believed that the reason behind the move is to make more time available for Simon Cowell to pontificate about Louis Walsh's absolute and total lack of any musical taste whatsoever. Not to mention his rapidly-darkening hair colour, whiny voice and propensity to go off on one at the slightest provocation.

Insiders on the show have also pointed out the potential savings to be made by not having to pay any royalties to copyright holders, but since Cowell's record company, Sony BMG, already owns every song ever written, past, present and future, this theory has been widely discounted.

Former Pop Idol winner and Girls Aloud member Cheryl Cole, who has previously mimed live on the show herself, is said to be delighted at the news, as it gives her the opportunity to spend even more time fighting with the other judges and verbally abusing the contestants in front of the cameras.

Irish judge Louis Walsh, who manages Westlife, Boyzone and some pop groups, is understood to be disappointed that he will no longer be able to pull out his rulebook and claim that Cher's song wasn't actually a Beatles number as it was a solo hit for John Lennon.

Critics were quick to point out that the change will allow people with the musical ability of a dead sheepdog to win the show, but hurriedly withdrew their objections when they noticed that karate expert Wagner was standing staring at them.
Prom Dresses

Want a prom dress that’s going to turn everyone’s head 
when you walk into the room? Want a prom dress that is different 
from everyone else’s prom dress? Well you can have that perfect prom 
dress. What colors are in style for prom dresses? For the prom  you 
will see some new colors you have not seen in fashion for a while like navy
 and burgundy gold, raspberry, purple orange, black and white, and all the 
fun prom colors like turquoise, lime and fuchsia. Girls always love purple 
and this year for the prom you will the best purple gowns. Royal blue is 
making a comeback big time for a sure winner. Royal blue is a real hot color
 this year. Gold and silver will be important and the new metallic lamé 
fabrics will show you off to the limit. What kind of style should I focus on 
if I want to look sexy in my prom dress? Sexy designer formal dresses  
are everywhere. Want to know what styles are hot? Glad you asked.
I’ll tell you. Ruffles (the french look), drapes, tiers, high slits, lace; hi-low 
hemlines and mermaid silhouettes are the sexy favorites for this year. 

Everyone wants to like a princess. What type of prom dress should 
I look for if I’m not that tall? Many girls that aren’t so tall (like me) 
are going toward fitted silhouettes and flirty, little short dresses. 
You don't have to do anything too extravagant to show off your best feature,
just make sure that your look shows it off and enhances it. If your best feature
 is great skin, the last thing you'd want to do is cover up every inch of 
it with clothing. Dressing for your best feature is less about dressing for 
size or age and more about making the best of what you have to work with. 
One important thing to remember is when you’re looking to buy a prom dress 
focus on a bling bling dress 
or bling bling accessories not both.

If you have both it would be to overwhelming to the naked eye and one 
will take away from the other. The idea here is to make either the dress or the accessories the focus, not both. For example, a bronze strapless
gown with no adornment could carry a chunky diamond bracelet and 
necklace or a pair of chandelier earrings. Solid color dresses and neutrals 
are a great backdrop for colorful jewels. On the other hand, the more ruffles, 
tiers and beading a dress has, the simpler the accessories should be. 
It doesn't mean you have to go bare but you need to use self-control and 
choose smaller pieces.The difficulty to dressing for special occasions such as
 homecoming or the prom is that young women look rong if they dress their age: 
in froufrou dress, young women/girls look ready for prom. 

prom dresses

I climbed up the door and opened the stairs,
Said my pajamas and put on my prayers,
Then I turned off the bed and crawled into the light
All because you kissed me goodnight!

New wedding Dresses

New wedding Dresses
One of the biggest decisions you will face as the big day approaches is choosing 
the perfect wedding dress. The process of shopping for a wedding dress can be 
a fabulous adventure, but it can also be stressful and overwhelming--particularly 
because a bride-to-be often starts shopping for her gown before many other
 details are determined.
You might have had a clear mental picture of the perfect wedding dress ever since
 you were five years old. On the other hand, you may have no idea what
 you are going to wear or feel strange about the idea of wearing white.
 The important thing is to relax, and remember that there are as many different
 kinds of dresses out there as there are different kinds of brides.

Wedding dresses is every girls’ dream to become a women. To choose the right wedding dresses require a lot of research and information as well as sense of style

“I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance,
A church filled with family and friends.
I asked him what kind of a wedding he wished for,
He said one that would make me his wife.”

New wedding Dresses

Wedding Dresses
Budget Wedding Dresses

Ideal wedding Dress
for the forward-thinking bride who wants to be stylish yet different on her wedding day, there are many options from mini-dresses to pant-ensembles to sexy form-fitting gowns that truly make a statement. European couture designers offer an interesting array of creative designs that make the avant-garde bride stand out fashionably on her special day. There are beautifully elegant full-gowns of metallic lame fabrics and others of heavy satin. One daring ensemble pairs sheer top with slim satin pants, and another features pants covered with feathers. In fact, feathers adorn several of these couture creations. And color also makes a bold statement for the bride walks to a different beat. an exciting red beaded gown and with gold hooded duster. There is even a multicolored gown fashioned from scraps of tulle. Whatever your fashion taste and personal style, you can choose a wedding ensemble that will make your big day memorable.

Beautiful wedding dress

The wedding dress used to be in blue color instead of white. White color was popularized later by Queen Victoria who got married in white dress. But today, the medieval dresses are available in any colors of your choice and they fit perfectly to the medieval themed weddings which are organized in a truly romantic style, with lads and lasses dressed in beautiful costumes. To make the theme perfect, the weddings are organized in stunning old castles or in natural rural settings surrounded by woods, parks and farms.

It is the best cleaner for any kind of stains.

There are two beautiful dresses.
which are considerable the best dresses for every age of woman.
The dress make you perfect on the wedding.
checkout the perfect wedding dresses.

Sparkling Belongs To Me

So I was reading The Bloggess when I came across a post about someone called Jamie Cullum. Or was it Cullen? Anyway, this Gollum bloke seems to feature in some very popular films1. And there seems to be a feck of a lot of sparkling going on in them.

Which is a bit odd, because I always thought that when vampires were exposed to direct sunlight, it made them fade like a cheap pair of curtains.

Not that I know very much about vampires; when I first read Dracula, I thought that the description of men and women dancing around in the catacombs, "naked to the waist", meant that their bottom halfs were naked. Be more specific, Stoker! (Shakes fist)

Any road up, my memory was jogged into something I wrote in this very blog a few years back. And guess what? I own the word sparkling! It only cost me a pound at the time, but now it's going to make me a gazillionaire!2

So pony up, Twilight fans. Every time you use the word "sparkling", you owe me, oh, let's not be greedy, how about a penny? (Rubs hands)


1- That's "movies" if you're a Merkan.
2 - Not a real word.