Computer Terms Illustrated #17 - updated

Why am I doing all the work here? Meh. See how many you can work out for yourself - this set all have a common theme. I may have taken a liberty with teh speling.

Updated for people wot don't do pooters except to play Solitaire...

  1. I'm casting these before swine, obviously.Oyster

  2. Merapi Volcano (on the island of...)Merapi

  3. Oceans 12 (came after Oceans 11, so it must be a ...)Oceans 12

  4. Boxers (quote from Monty ... and the Holy Grail)Boxers

  5. Simpsons' Cat (but without the 'W')Simpsons cat

  6. Beta Persei (better known to amateur astronomers as ...)Beta Persei

  7. I'll thcweam and thcweam until I'm thick!Kissable

  8. This ... IsleCrown Jewels

  9. Joe off I'm A SlebJoe

  10. The South China ...Calm

  11. As above, but with a bit more "Oomph!"Choppy

  12. King Tyrant Lizard. Yeah.Tyrannosaurus

John? I would give this one a miss, mate.