Bah. And, Indeed, Humbug.

As you may have seen in the news, the company that I work for has been partly taken over by the government. That makes me a civil servant bwahahahahaha I for one welcome our new political overlords.

As a result, there's a major cost-cutting exercise in progress. Gone are the ridiculously inflated executive bonuses (yay!), gone too all the contractors who did the actual work while we put our feet up (boo!) but worst of all, from the public's perception, sponsorship is being severely trimmed back.

Normally on December 31st, Embra has a big, BIG Hogmanay party. Literally dozens of people flock to Princes Street to get totally rat-arsed, sing, dance and of course, watch the New Year's Fireworks Show courtesy of *cough* *cough*.

But what with the cutbacks and that, all we can afford this year is a handful of sparklers. I don't think this will go down well with the punters.
