Man Crush

Funny how you can see a new word or phrase and instantly know what it means, innit?

By the time whoever it was on telly had finished explaining it for the lumpen masses, I had my list written out and annotated. So here goes:

  • John BarrowmanJohn Barrowman Captain Jack off Dr Who and Torchwood, arrr!

  • Captain Jack SparrowJohnny Depp Maybe I've got a thing about characters called Captain Jack?

  • Bloomin 'eckOrlando Bloom Or pirates? He can rescue me any day, sigh.

  • Dancing BearBruno Tortellini(sp?) Off Strickly Come Dancing With The Stars, he's a sexy, sexy man! Ciao! Pronto! Pizza Margarita!

  • But if anybody could turn me off women for life, it has to be...
  • PalinSarah Palin Seriously, dude.