Dream Time

I really should post my own shit before wandering off to read everyone else's blogs. No wonder I never get anything done around here. Be that as it may, I read something about a dream somewhere yesterday and since I myself had a dream that I actually remembered this week, I'll ignore Jenny's advice and share it with you, gentle reader.

So, I was out walking with grandson #2, which, come to think of it, I haven't done since he was in his buggy and he's twelve now, so I should have been on my guard right away, when something caught my attention and I looked up...and up...and up. And there, towering above me, a huge column of thick, black smoke was rising from somewhere not far ahead, spreading out as it rose until it filled half the sky with roiling, churning darkness. I would normally include a photo at this point but wouldn't you know it, I didn't have my camera with me and did I mention that this was a dream?

Anyway. Obviously there was a fire burning at the base of this pillar of smoke, and it must have been growing hotter and hotter all this time because finally it became so intense that it ignited the entire cloud, bright red and yellow flames racing upward at a phenomenal rate as a wave of heat blasted me in the face and chest. Crowds of frightened passers-by fled past me as they tried to escape the growing number of fires - did I mention that there were three or four by now? Well there were, trust me on this, I was there. But I had to press ahead towards the fires, into the blistering heat, to find my errant grandson. Presumably he had gone on ahead while I was blogging about all these fires, the little tyke.

Just then, thankfully, he appeared up ahead, running around the corner towards me. Well I rushed up and grabbed his hand and we raced for safety. Unfortunately the alarm clock chose that exact moment to go off, so I totally missed out on the burning skombie cats, dammit.

PS. Does anyone know how to transfer dream photos onto a blog because that would be all kinds of awesome?