More Random Crap

EyesSorry for not posting sooner, I've had my eyes glued to the TV and it took this long for the solvent to do its thing.

So. How are you? Really? How nice/terrible. Anyway.

I loved this article where the Ozzie PM, Kevin Rudd, reckons excessive pay packages for fat cat bank execs should be outlawed globally, because: "excessive greed by executives in some financial institutions had worsened the current crisis". Yeah. Let that sink, can anyone splain the difference between ordinary common-or-garden greed and excessive greed? 'Cause it's all greed to me.

Some bint from Michigan has driven all the way to Nebraska to dump her thirteen-year-old son on the welfare system. If he's such a handful, why not just wait till he goes out on a shoplifting expedition or whatever, then move house without leaving a forwarding address? It totally worked for my cousin ****** [deleted on legal advice].

Oh. There's this Merkan blogger called Dooce. What an odd name. Apparently she's quite popular, but I've never really "got" her until last week, when she posted this. As she says, turn up your volume and wait for her to smack the pole. Fucking A.

Don't forget to tune in for Farty's Friday Chart. Toot toot!