And Now I Feel Itchy

So, not much in the news this week, really.

A seven-year-old boy has been thrown out of an Australian zoo for feeding the the crocodile. But hey, haven't we all done that? No? Just me then.

Aggie off How Clean Is Your House admits that she used to work for MI6. Who do think did all the cleaning up after those fights and explosions in James Bond?

Mortgage lender Bradford and Bingley has been nationalised after coming a cropper in the credit crunch. Apparently any speculators who bought shedloads of shares in the company when they bottomed out last Friday, in the hope of making a quick buck after they bounced back up, will now lose the lot. Bwahahaha! Not that I know anyone that stupid. *snort*

A couple of planes got stuck in mid-air after a Lesbian air traffic controller overslept. Her bosses were planning to discipline her for her tardiness, but decided she would probly enjoy it too much.

World War One veteran Henry Allingham, 112, has published the first volume of his autobiography. If sales go well and he collects enough material, he plans to release part two in 2108.

And finally, Cyril, this year's Ig Nobel winners have been announced. My favourite is the Biology Prize awarded to the French team who discovered that dog fleas can jump higher than cat fleas. This is stuff we need to know!

Toot toot!