Reader Survey

Dear Reader,

It has come to my attention that some of my hordes dozens my other fan is having problems with long load times when stalking reading this blog. Being a total blog-whore Ever keen to please my readers, I feel I'm going to lose some both of you if I don't do something about it.

But first I need to determine the scope of the problem. If it's just one reader, screw them, they should get broadband perhaps they can disable images or something. There's nothing pornographic interesting to see here after all.

So what's it like for you? I realise if you're reading this, you've already loaded this page and not clicked away out of boredom, but meh - I gotta seem to make an effort.

Should I use smaller images? How about if I put my blogroll on a separate page, or take the graphics out of it altogether? Lose the wallpaper? Reduce the number of blog entries per page?

Over to you...