Art For Art's Sake

Picked this up from Mike, who got it from Betty. Gah! I haven't read Betty's blog in ages. But it started here at Kid Shirt. Pretty simple, just post your 10 favourite 10cc songs in your blog and tell Kid about it. Even if you've never heard of 10cc! There doesn't even have to be ten songs in it. This guy is a genius. Or deranged.

Feck. I don't have a single solitary 10cc record, my youngest brother was the 10cc fan and took all his singles and albums with him when he moved out. Oh well, from memory then...

1. I'm Not In Love. My music teacher, Gigantor, was pretty liberal-minded and let us bring our own records in to play in class. I suppose it broadened our tastes and kept us interested. And we got to play this one full blast in the main hall while we were building the set and rehearsing for the school play. Along with Space Oddity.

2. I'm Mandy, Fly Me. 1976, first time I ever flew (Raleigh, NC). If this doesn't cure your fear of flying, nothing will.

3. Art For Art's Sake. You can't just say, "Today we will produce a work of art." You have to let the muse take you when it will. Sometimes it doesn't.

4. One Night In Paris. This track appeared long before Ms Hilton was even born. Still a favourite despite its current connotations.

5. Life Is A Minestrone. Minestrone, Crêpe Suzette, Lasagne, Cheese, what's not to love?

6. The Things We Do For Love. Innocent times, eh?

7. Don't Hang Up. Ok, I'd forgotten about this one until it came up in the YouTube listing. Don't Hang Up - final song by the original quartet, it says here.

8. Five O'Clock In The Morning. Still remember the first time I ever heard this, on the radio, no memory-jogging needed for that.

9. Donna. They don't make them like that any more. Sigh.

10. Dreadlock Holiday. I don't like Reggae. But this song became the exception.

Your turn, if you can be arsed. You've got about a week starting now.