Hitting A Bum Note

Meryl Streep has landed a bummer of a rôle in Mamma Mia the Movie. I bet she wishes that film had gone MIA.

Did you ever have one of those days/weeks/decades? There's bound to be something to perfectly reflect your mood at Despair, Inc. Trust me, someone's put a lot of effort into the search for the ultimate item of pessimistic demotivation. He didn't find it, so he made it and put it up for sale. Don't enjoy!

Speaking of bummers, poor Cristiano Ronaldo complains that he's been sold into slavery by, er, himself when he signed a legally binding five-year contract with Manchester United football club. Shocked children working in Bangalore clothing factories for the princely sum of 16p per hour are said to be clubbing together to help pay the £120,000 per week spoilt bastard's transfer fee.

The global economy seems to be going down the toilet with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae being hit especially hard.

Haha! Dubya said "fanny"! I'm so shallow.