A Brief History Of Scotchland - Part 5

Embra Castle
Embra Castle: originally built way back in 2002 to host a "gig" by Russian fake lesbian pop duo Tattoo.


Oopsy. That should of course read, The Embra Military Tatu.
Note: To see The Embra Tattoo and the concurrent Embra Festival and Embra Fridge, it is advisable to visit Embra.

Embra Tattoo

The Castle Esplanade was added as an afterthought, to fleece tourists provide shelter for the Heelanders and their coos and sheep and that, from any attacking Vikings, Weegies or English (boo!).


It also makes a handy place to stick 8500 screaming Girls Aloud fans.

A Girls Aloud Fan

There were no less than three warm-up acts, but Mr Farty didn't mind, he just checked out his favourite blogs blog on the moby to while away the time until Heaven on Earth happened.

Girls Aloud at Embra Castle. Apparently.

No, Mr Farty didn't take his camera with him. He just wanted to soak up the atmosphere.

There was ♥♥♥Nadine Coyle♥♥♥, and, er, the blonde one. And the redhead with the really pale skin. And that one that's married to a footballer. She was in that William video. And the other one.

Together? They.Were.Ace.

Here endeth today's lesson.