You Can't Judge A Book

LOTR the blurb. Especially if the copywriter is some halfwit who hasn't even bothered to read the book they're supposed to be promoting. Well do I remember reading a book review that mentioned "the dragon Sauron" as if Sauron were indeed a dragon. In fact a small note in the appendix to The Lord of the Rings says something like "Smaug was the dragon Sauron wanted to use in the War of the Ring", and the reviewer had just snatched a few words at random instead of actually reading the book. Lazy git.


For the more graphically talented among you - and John - can you come up with a completely misleading cover illustration for a popular book? Or film or whatever. Post it in your own blog and leave a comment here to let me know.

Everyone else - any ideas? Drop me a line and I'll see what I can knock together.

Lost In Space