Crude Oil: A black, smelly, sticky liquid that comes shooting out of the ground at 100mph. And swears a lot.
Oil Strike: When the people whose job it is to refine the oil decide to down tools and join a picket line.
- One of the top bloggers in the blogosphere.
- A train, but not as exciting as a proper steam train.
- A petroleum-based fuel which is burned in engines ignited by compression rather than spark.

Petrol: A mixture of hydrocarbons which is used as a fuel.
- One of the five "states of matter" (after Bose-Einstein condensate, solid and liquid, and followed by plasma), that subsequently appear as a cold substance is subjected to increasingly higher temperatures.
- The direct cause of flatulence.

Gasoline: A volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane, heptane, octane etc.) derived from petroleum. Merkan for petrol.