4 x 4

Saw this one in Jami's blog. Feel free to pick it up.

4 jobs I have had: Dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant in North Berwick (will wash dishes for Chinese food); Retail clerk in a stationary store (that job went nowhere); Computer Operator (with tapes whizzing around and boxes of punched cards and that - really); Automation Analyst (well, they call it a job: don't tell them I'd happily do it for free).

4 TV shows I actually watch: The Weakest Link (aka Don't Watch Alone: Mrs Farty and I love to mock the halfwits, esp. when we get the right answers; and we keep schtum when we get them wrong too); Torchwood (Captain Jack is hawt); Doctor Who (Captain Jack is hawt); Flight of the Conchords (those crazy Kiwis!).

4 places I have been: Ã…ndalsnes in Norway (before I even went to England); New Orleans (pre-Flood: such a beautiful place); Paris, France (smelly; and French: avoid); Cape Town (sorry, just drifted off...I'd love to go back).

4 foods I like: Chocolate (bet you didn't expect that!); Sweet-and-sour chicken (see above); Mrs Farty's sausage casserole (nuff said); Mr Farty's World-Famous Banoffee Pie. (who knew?)