Putting The Fun Back Into Fundamentalism

That bloke in the skirt - no, the other one, the Archbishop of Canterbury - has gone completely bananas (no offence intended, GB!) and demanded 1 that the UK should immediately adopt Sharia Law. Because Britain is an Islamist state and the British people demand the right to have innocent rape victims jailed and given a taste of the lash.

Of course that could never really happen here. Can you imagine the uproar if someone in the UK, say Aberdeen, was arrested and thrown behind bars simply for having a bad dream? Oh. Right. What do you want to bet she's a Muslim?

Some good news from Iraq. It appears that "Sunni Arabs of the central and western part of the country may submit to Shia dominance". Who would have thought Sunni and Shia could ever reunite after all this time? I thought he'd died...

Anyways, if Islamic law is to be given equal footing with our own laws, then there is every reason why FSMism should also be given legal status. I demand the right to wear Full Pirate Regalia to work every Friday. Arrr!

1 In the sense that he didn't really. But it sells newspapers.

Update: John reckons that the pirate wench above looks like Heather Mills McCartney. Admittedly they're both gold-diggers with big boobs and wooden legs, but really?Heathaaarrr!!