Diamond Drive Part 3

Cape Town

Table Mountain, Cape Town - view from the top

This is the only place in South Africa, possibly the only place in the dark continent, where the laconic phrase, "Eezz Affffffreeekaaaaaaaa" doesn't always seem to apply. Things sometimes happen quickly.

We find a jewellers where a little man sits in the window and patiently sets about fitting our diamond to a ring. We stop by every day to watch him. His movements are unhurried and yet the finished article is actually taking shape before our very eyes.

Tyger Valley Mall - My God, it's full of stores!

You want to see a shopping centre? Meh. Go shopping.

CUMHere we see a shop with a huge sign in the window. Not a sperm bank, as it transpires, but a Christian bookshop. Boo! Sorry, no photo, I sent it in to The Graham Norton Show and it never came back.

Table Mountain

Table Top Mountain

Or as Mrs Farty calls, it, Table-Top Mountain. Whatever. It's a hell of a climb. Shop At The TopEven so, if it wasn't for the shop at the top, whatever it's called, she would never have come up.
From here, you can see the whole city of Cape Town and way down in the bay...

Robben Island

Robben Island Prison
Famous for a number: 46664.
We take the ferry out, have a guided tour courtesy of a former inmate, see Nelson Mandela's prison cell. Fer Chrissake, it's tiny!

When we get back to the port at Cape Town, we see some seals have taken up residence and are having a good bask. As everyone does in Africa.
Seals at Cape Town

By the third day, the ring is ready, so off we go again.

Coming up: The Wild Coast. Knysna. Port Elizabeth. Oliphaunts!