Only In Merka

A pair of rednecks are fighting a custody battle over an amputated leg. As you do. Who would want an amputated leg? A wooden one would be much better, aarrrr!

In Percy Julian Middle School, Illinois, group hugging has been outlawed so that ugly kids don't feel left out. Aw, bless!

In the UK, they only throw pensioners out on the street for heckling political party bigwigs.

As Walter Wolfgang, 82, said after his ordeal in 2005, "You cannot stifle debate by hiring heavies. A party has got to be open to the world."

But last week in South Carolina, a student was Tasered by four uniformed thugs for asking Merkan politician John Kerry a question at, er, a question-and-answer session.

Were the police being too heavy-handed? Watch this and decide for yourself.