A Novel Idea

I think it's fair to say that everyone has a great novel inside them - it's just that, if they're anything like me, they're probly far to lazy busy to write more than one chapter before giving up.

Fear not, for the solution is now at hand!

I give you...(rat te-tat-tat-tat ta-TAH!)

The All-New Twenty-First-Century Online Collaborative Internet Novel!!!

I don't think I've ever used three exclamation marks before, I may have to go and have a little lie down...

I'm quite sure no-one in the history of mankind has ever had such a brilliant, original idea. And anyone who uses Google to verify that fact will be tracked down and shot for insubordination. La-la-la can't hear you anyway.

The Rules

  • Prospective authors can join by emailing me. Only the crème de la crème1 will be accepted, of course.

  • Each chapter should end on a cliff-hanger and solve acknowledge the previous chapter ending.

  • There will be a weekly vote for the style in which the next chapter should be written.

    • Tabloid: Cat in Mat-Sitting Shock – House Prices set to Crash

    • Sci-fi: The space-cat wrapped its tentacles around the mat and snarled, “What are mew looking at?”

    • Horror: With its stainless steel claws, the cat slashed John’s guts open before it lost interest and fell asleep on the mat.

    • Western: A mean, old, scarred tom-cat curled up on the rush mat outside the saloon.

    • Romance: “Oh, Tiddles,” exclaimed Betsy, as the pampered puss lolled on the mat, “do you think he even knows I’m alive?”

    • Chaucer: Ye catte satte upon ye matte. For sooth.

    • Technical Manual: Attach cat to mouse-mat using bonding resin #3b before applying sticking plasters to exposed skin.

    • Agony Aunt: Er...

    • Legal Document: Um...

    • Manga Comic: Well...

    • Fantasy: You get the idea.

Who's up for it?

1 Anyone who can spell "novel" using nine letters or less.