On Holiday. Again.

Yay, I'm on holiday now! That explains why it's been pissing down all day. Grr!

And before you ask, no. Thank you for your kind offer, but I wouldn't even trust The Pope to write my blog while I'm away. I don't want my oeuvre to get polluted by some other twat's witterings. Who would be stupid enough to hand their blog over to a bunch of complete strangers while they go swanning off around France?

Definition of an intellectual: someone who can hear Carmina Burana's O Fortuna without thinking of The X Factor. God, that Cowell's annoying, even if though he is right.

I've been meaning to shorten my bogroll to a single sheet for a while, and tracked down some source code today. Not as clever as Enidd, but it'll do until I learn myself how to do Javascript.

Note to potential burglars: I'm not actually going away going away, just turning the lights on and off on a very regular basis and leaving the curtains slightly open for a couple of weeks. So don't try anything, right?